Passenger ships | Ruben, Rupert 32 Cabin
Ruben, Rupert 32 Cabin

Price: SEK 1.000.000
Rupert 32 Cabin built in 2005.
Volvo Penta D6 with DPH drive. Two air-operated seats for skipper and navigator. Maximum speed approx. 34 knots.
Two folding longship benches for 4 people. Engine heating.
Can be inspected in Hamburgsund by arrangement with Shipsforsale.
Volvo Penta D6 with DPH drive. Two air-operated seats for skipper and navigator. Maximum speed approx. 34 knots.
Two folding longship benches for 4 people. Engine heating.
Can be inspected in Hamburgsund by arrangement with Shipsforsale.
- (flagStat) Flag state: SE, Sweden
- (klassningsSallskap) Classification: Transportstyrelsen - Swedish Transport Agency
- (storstaLangd) LOA: 8,85 metres
- (storstaBredd) Beam: 3,5 metres
- (djupGaende) Draft: 1,0 metres
- (varv) Shipyard: Rupert Marine AB
- (byggAr) Year built: 2005
- (batTyp) Vessel type: RIB
- (materialSkrov) Hull material: Plastic
- (hemort) Home port: Hamburgsund
- (maskinForbTim) Consumption: @27 kn 40 l/hour
- (maskinMarscFart) Cruising speed: 27 knots
- (maskinToppFart) Top speed: 34 knots
- (huvudmotor)Main engine: Volvo D6-350, 350 bHp. ca. 1000 running hours, installed 2005
- (motorKommentar)Comments: EVC-E (new 4”display, new controls, Cruise control and Powertrim assist). DPH drive with about 250 h.
- (propeller)Drive type: sterndrive
Navigation equipment
Tank capacity
- (tankarDiesel)Diesel: (listelement tankarDiesel - Tankar)350 liter(slut listelement)
All details given in good faith but not guaranteed. Equipment are subject to change or be removed from the vessel.
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